People aren't mean, they're just wounded

People aren't mean, they're just wounded

Recently, I was in a meeting and the energy turned rather quickly when one woman stated that people were mean and we live in a mean world. I saw others shaking their heads in agreement. Because of the work I do, which is guiding people to remove the blocks that stand in the way of them living a life beyond their wildest dreams, I immediately perked up. 


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The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

The struggle is real my friends… your struggles, my struggles and the struggles of the world. But why don’t we talk about it more often? Why are we so scared to let everyone know we don’t have it all figured out? Why do we hide behind, computer screens, text messages, or social media facades? Why do we drown ourselves in booze or food to feel better? Why do we binge watch Netflix?


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The Spiritual Meaning Behind Getting Sick

In reality, no one likes getting sick. It's an inconvenience, it’s a pain (literally) and sometimes we just plain don’t have time for it, but it’s a necessary part of life for spiritual growth and evolution.

I’ve noticed many of my friends and family have been catching “the bug” lately, whether it’s the stomach bug, a sinus infection or the common cold. I usually say to them, well, that’s because a major growth is coming your way. 

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Remaining Calm In The Midst Of A Storm

Let’s face it; life is all about weathering the storms so we can learn to dance in the rain. 

If I have learned one thing from the past, it would probably be to keep calm in the midst of a storm because everything always works out. It may not be the way we want it to workout but it always works out the way it’s supposed to. The key is: getting out of the way in order to allow the universe to do its thing. 

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