Energy + Frequency

Have you ever heard the saying: Nothing changes if nothing changes? Or Do something different get a different outcome? Or Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different ending?


All of these sayings have one thing in common- ENERGY.


Feel the energy underneath the words.


What they feel like to me is the underlying energy of when we meet, for example, resistance with resistance you basically get the same thing- MORE RESISTANCE!


If you don’t like the way things are… whether it be in our nation, healthcare system, education system, or anything else happening in the world right now… Bring a new energy to it.


We cannot transcend darkness with more darkness.

We cannot transcend anger with more anger.

We cannot transcend fear with more fear.


We can transcend darkness with acknowledgment and a slight shift in our perception to see the darkness in a whole new light.


We can transcend darkness with a new thought about that darkness.  A judgement about the darkness will only land along the same frequency as the darkness itself.  We CAN transcend this by asking and opening to see the darkness in a whole new light. What is it teaching us about what we are feeling while in its presence?


You see… dark and light are part of the same continuum.  The very same line.  


Read the below excerpt with your heart not your mind… read it slowly and allow it to marinate a while.  It will make sense to some of you, plant a seed for others of you and the rest will just think I’m crazy… hehe… either way all good!


One side of the line is a frequency, let’s call it 98.7 (dark) while at the opposite end of the very same line is the frequency 101.8 (light).  Let’s just say we don’t enjoy the way 98.7 feels so we slide up the line to 98.9 and it feels slightly better to us… so the next day we slide up the line to 100.1 and it feels even better… so the next day we slide all the way up to 101.1 and these ever so slight (incremental) slides feel better and better.  This is how we can move along a line (timeline) transcending experiences from dark to light.  Meeting our own darkness (first step) with neutrality allows it the space it needs to shapeshift (alchemize) into something else.


This was the food for thought today.  Sending you all out SO much Love, Peace, and Sunshine!

