
Last night the angels woke me up at 12:22 on 12/22… and again at 2:22 on 12/22 I snapped a quick picture (above) and then my phone shut off DEAD.  Bear also visited me in my dreams last night… there were many messages coming through to share about the New Moon (Dec 25th), Solar Eclipse (Dec 26th), and upcoming 2020 gateway… so let us jump in.


Let’s start with bear… 


To me, Bear is all about introspection, intuition, discernment, self-empowerment, inner-truth, faith and venturing into the dark corners of our own body, mind and soul, to truly know ourselves.  


Bear hibernates (dreams) through the winter.  He wanders from his place in the west (place of intuition/right brain)… into the center of the cave (pineal gland) to complete his deep, dreamtime sleep in the void or darkness where the answers and questions to all of life’s mysteries reside.


Bear teaches us to listen to our own intuition and decipher and discern our own messages that come forth.  To trust ourselves and our own inner knowing.  Bear says: Be your own advisor.  Do what brings you joy and happiness, for that IS the path of heart. 


Bear invites us to use our strengths to transmute our weakness and to remember both are crucial for the evolution of our soul.


Journey with bear to your inner cave of stillness and silence, dream your dreams and then awaken to the sweetness of life and your truth.


1222: A beautiful number sequence.


The 1222 number sequence has SO many meanings and feel into which ones feel right for you.


1222: Keep following your desires (joy).  Your desires are placed in your heart from the divine and when you are tapped into your joy you are tapped into the divine… and in this place you cannot be on the wrong path.  It is always right.  


This sequence reminds us that new things are occurring all around us and the angels are working on your behalf in the background to bring everything into alignment at the perfect time.  Follow your intuition as it will show you the right path.  Use your wisdom & strength to achieve your goals and let go of fear.


Leave behind the habits that don’t serve you.  Notice what or who is taking up too much of your time and energy.  Notice what people, places, things, conversations zap your energy and which ones ignite it.  Act accordingly. 


The 1222 number sequence sends the reminder to be discerning when it comes to choosing our affiliations.  Notice the affiliations that raise us into our highest version of ourselves and align to those.


Let love enter your heart and make your life more beautiful.  You are asked to notice all the love that surrounds you on a daily basis from friends, family, lovers, pets, nature.  Love is everywhere and this number sequence invites us to take notice of it and enjoy it’s presence.


And finally, this number sequence is a BIG green light on new pursuits, fresh starts, and getting out of our comfort zones.  It brings in massive harmony, balance, faith, security, independence and LOVE.  


Enjoy all the endings and be grateful because they signify all the new beginnings we are standing in the threshold of.  


I feel VERY excited for this 2020 gateway that we are entering now. I am READY for a new decade.


Remember: Anything is possible, so don’t quit your daydreams and ALWAYS follow your fun!


