Full Moon Feels...



It’s hard to believe that the New Moon only occurred two weeks ago… it feels like an eternity has passed since then.  


Is it only me or does one day feel like it holds the lessons of years within it?  Sometimes by the afternoon, it feels to me, like the morning was light years away.


The New Moon brought new business opportunities my way and its been open, generous, warm and light.  It’s allowed me to express myself in new and creative ways as well as venture outside my comfort zone.  It’s stretched me, challenged me, and showed me where I can improve.


These last two weeks have taught me to be present with myself in a whole new way.  A new degree of presence with neutrality.  Presence without judgement or attachment. Total radical acceptance of myself and the many emotions that float through from moment to moment.


It’s taught me to stand in my truth and power, to honor my tears, sadness and the shifts that occur because they’re happening for the greater good- to move me along my path.


It’s shown me areas I want to let go of… and to trust the divine timing of the let go because it’s ALL perfect.  


It asked me to reach for breath many times when unpleasant feelings came up and its taught me how beautiful and comforting a full, deep breath can be in those moments. 


The last two weeks have been enlightening… showing me my habits and how they have served me or not.  


This cycle has taught me HOW (honestly, openly, and willingly) to overlay more beneficial habits where the ones that no longer served me were (one at a time, baby steps).  And it’s felt good to be able to look candidly at myself from a neutral perspective.  


I’ve shed some tears this cycle, but the release has felt so good.  


This moon cycle has challenged me to dream BIGGER than ever before in the areas of Health, Career, Relationships, Lifestyle, and Personal goals and I’m excited to see where the next two weeks of this cycle takes me. 


But… For now, I will bask in the glow of the this FULL MOON in Aquarius as it shines it light into my life raising my frequency (and yours), illuminating anything else ready to come to the surface for clearing, releasing distractions, and go within to find my breath to ready and steady myself for the next steps forward.


Happy full moon to you all and may it bring you clarity, illumination, faith, hope and most importantly LOVE & COMPASSION for yourself and others.


Love you all,




#followyourfun #beyourownsunshine #fullmoonaquarius #fullmoonfeels 

