Tell Me What You Love...

I love the early morning hours… waking in the darkness, the void before a new day. I love how, the day is fresh, and I can feel all the infinite possibilities of how it will unfold in this one moment of excitement and anticipation.

I love how it’s here I can feel so deeply the warmth of my dog, Blu as she’s snuggled up along my left leg, her chin gently resting on my shin as it was when we fell asleep last night. I love how in this moment the true vibration of unconditional love permeates the darkness and it is literally palpable.

I love how soft and cool the sheets feel against my skin and that through the stillness & peace I can feel an immense amount of grace & mercy upon me from a realm that exists beyond the physical.

I love how outside my window the world is still in a deep slumber, not even the birds are stirring yet. And it’s here that I give thanks to God for another day on earth blessed to be in a human body while savoring these moments of serenity before I begin my day.

I breathe deeply into the gentleness, feeling the precious life force fill my lungs again and again… and I love how before too long the breath itself is breathing my whole body. And I smile as I am reminded, this moment is peace, presence and my own little heaven on earth. I am reminded through this moment of stillness that to me, this is truly what divinity feels like. And from here, I begin my day.

This is what I love.

To connect deeply to the moment, place your left hand over you heart and your right hand on top of your left and take 3 slow, deep, cleansing breathes in through the nose and out through the mouth. Allowing yourself to come into the present moment. This is where you will find your peace.

In the comments, tell me what you love?