Maintaining Your High-Vibration Through Turbulent Times:

Lately, much doesn’t seem to be making sense… it’s like we’re living in our very own upside-down world. There is no news you can rely on and nothing outside of us that can save us.  The exciting thing about this unknown time is it’s totally up to us to create the world we want to live in moving forward.  For those with faith and a higher power you’re probably doing ok… but for those without a connection to a power greater than themselves… well you may be caught up in the swirl… read on.


The swirl, as I like to call it, is its very own entity.  It’s the media & social medias, it’s the rage, the anger, the political sides, the emotions of everyone and everything all swirling around like a  hurricane and if you’ve ever been through a hurricane you know they can get quite nasty.  Sometimes there is a well-defined eye and you will get a little respite and other times not so much… I haven’t determined yet if this swirl has an eye or not… but how do we stay in our own little eye of the hurricane while the swirl continues around us?  How do we not get swept up in the swirl?  How do we maintain a sense of inner peace and calm when the world seems to be collapsing around us?


Before I give you the ways lets chat for a minute about how we can move forward in times like these without allowing the swirl to consume us.  


As many great leaders have said in the past you cannot cast out darkness with more darkness… and we cannot exit a conflict with the same level of thinking that the conflict began with… we cannot be standing in the name of love and hold another in judgement and condemnation.  Real, lasting change is going to take creativity, and doing something we’ve never done before.  


If you look back over our history as a nation… everything that is going on has been done before… we are repeating history.  We are fighting the same war over and over again.  We are doing the exact same thing expecting a different outcome, and this will not work.  We must interrupt a cycle in order to step outside of it.  To be in resistance of something, only creates something to be in resistance of. 


To meet an energy, a swirl, with a new type of energy interrupts it’s cycle.  It will take a new way of thinking and being to create a real change here in our world.  We will all need to be so sick and tired of the old way in order to do this and I truly feel we are close.  And one more thing, we will all need to be UNITED in our mission to do this.


In the meantime, here are some tips for inner peace in the midst of the storm:


Seek God with Your Whole Heart:  Fox hole prayers (a prayer you ask when things are SUPER bad) can be a gateway to hope, miracles and grace.  It doesn’t matter if you think you know how to pray or not… just do it.  Ask to know God.  Ask for the truth. Ask to be led to what is right and true for the greater good of all.  Ask to be shown where you can be of service.  Ask how you can be a conduit for Gods peace, comfort, love and light.  Ask for God to show you the way.  Ask this in everything you do many times throughout the day and watch miracles occur in your life.


Locate and Stick with Your Shining Stars:  What is a shining star?  These are the people in your life that guide you home when you’re lost in your own darkness.  These are the people that light up the night sky.  They hold a high vibration and are not swayed by the swirls in life.  They are grounded and anchored in the light.  They have a unique way of looking at things to bring neutrality to the swirl.  They transmute the darkness and after you speak to them you feel lifted and bright.  They pick you up and dust you off and they are a long, loving hug to your heart and soul.  Surround yourself with these people often as you can during turbulent times.  They will also stop and pray with you. 


Be the Embodiment of Your Own Living Prayer:  What is living prayer?  Living prayer is acting on and embodying the divinity that runs through us all.  This can be done by getting quiet each morning and asking your higher power what is your living prayer for me today? Sometimes this will come in the form of an affirmation, a specific mantra, a flash of insight, a feeling, a knowing or something else.  Many days my living prayer is this: I am divinity embodied and in motion. And I must ask many times during the day on guidance as to how to fulfill this in any given moment and interaction.


Visit the Crystalline Waters of Mother Earth:  When we are off our center the water is coded specifically for us to rebalance, recalibrate and reorganize our energy.  When you are off center if you can make it to a natural body of water that is great.  If you do not have this available, you can create this with an Epsom salt bath or even a pool.  Setting the intention to rebalance, reorganize, and recalibrate your energy field then putting your whole body, head and hair into the water.  It is your own personal rebirthing.  This is an effective way to clear your energy and start anew.


Sun Gazing/Bathing:  The sun has special revitalizing and recharging solar codes within it.  Just lying or sitting in the sun for 5-10 minutes with your eyes closed can totally reorganize your energy.  You can ask for the sun to download the solar codes you need at this time to move forward with strength and vitality, it will be done automatically for you.  


Step Away from all Media & Social Media:  These platforms carry within them a neurological scrambling feature.  What they do is literally scramble the neurological pathways in the brain so that you will not have the capacity to think with clarity or for yourself.  It is necessary to step away and go into nature for recalibration.  These platforms are designed to keep you in fear, unrest, judgment, and unhealthy shadow characteristics.  It is important to step away to lift up your vibration to resonate with frequencies of joy, love, peace, unity, consciousness and when all else fails you can say the names Jesus or Yeshua out loud 3x.  These words carry a vibration of clearing, protection and divine power.


These are some of the tips that have been helping me to not be taken by the swirl right now and I pray they meet your heart with peace, comfort and unconditional love for the greater good of all.


I know we are walking through challenging times right now as a collective and I am praying for us all every step of the way.  You are safe, you are loved, and you are all important pieces of the collective puzzle. Together we WILL find our new path.


In Service to Love,
